Women living in poverty are tackling hunger, thanks to Curry for Change 2016.
In Tarimar - a remote village in India - Mahetrin leads a local Women’s Group.
Every month the group meets, and each of its 12 members contribute 50 Rupees (58p) to a group savings account. Each member then has the chance to take out a loan, allowing them to invest in the tools they need to earn an income and grow more food.
In receiving this loan, the women are being given an opportunity. For the first time they are able to shape their own futures and together, take action together to combat hunger and poverty.
Mahetrin borrowed 5000 Rupees (£58) which helped her to buy essential seeds and farming equipment.
As a result, she has been able to improve her harvest, so that she has food to feed her family and sell her produce at market.
“Before, we couldn’t imagine saving even 10 Rupees. Now we are saving 50 Rupees a month each. We know that together, we have the power to create change.”
In the remote areas where Curry for Change has an impact, communities are marginalised and women, as a result of their social status, are particularly vulnerable to hunger and poverty.
In the past year, supporters of Curry for Change have helped over 5000 women to participate in groups like these.
Becoming a member of one of these groups gives women from poor, marginalised communities a new and unique opportunity. For the first time they have the opportunity to take control, shape their own futures, and work together to combat hunger and poverty.
This year, supporters across the UK have been hosting curry events as part of our Curry for Change campaign, to raise vital funds that will help to implement Women’s Groups in rural India.
By coming together with friends and sharing a meal, they are helping women from some of the most isolated areas of the word to provide enough food for their families all year round.
You still have a chance to make a difference this year. Donate now to support vulberable women in India.