Curry for Change in 2014

Curry for Changers 2014

An exciting year for Curry for Change - bigger and better!

In 2014 we partnered with Natco Foods who generously pledged to match every penny raised through our Curry for Change campaign. It was a fantastic opportunity and through our ambassadors, campaign partners, restaurants and supporters we raised over £23,000. This was matched by Natco to make double the difference!

The campaign kicked off to a tasty start in June with 10 top Indian restaurants in London creating special dishes and inviting their customers to donate with their bill.

Food fans across the UK signed up for their free event pack and Natco spices. They hosted curry nights to change lives one curry at a time!

We were delighted to partner again with frozen food producer COOK, who fundraised at their food festival.

Thanks to our celebrity chef ambassadors Atul Kochhar, Anjali Pathak, Cyrus Todiwala and Vivek Singh we have been sharing recipes online and raising awareness. With the support of Natco we ran a recipe competition and winners got the opportunity to film their recipe to inspire others.

In October we hosted our An Evening of Flavour event with 100 guests. We celebrated good food and drink, and came together to change lives. We were honoured to be joined by our ambassador chefs Anjum Anand, Dhruv Baker and Hari Ghotra who treated our guests to special masterclasses.

Overall you helped us to raise over £46,000 to help change lives.

This could provide training to 3,680 women in a village in India, like those in Jamal Pur, so they can can start a small business such as buying goats or chickens and have the opportunity to earn an income. This will mean they have the chance to break free from a cycle of hunger and poverty and change their children's future.

A huge thank you to everyone involved and we look forward to more curry fun and changing more lives in 2015! To find out more and get involved visit 


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