Annual Reviews

Annual Reviews

Our annual review is a chance for us to reflect on the work we have done in the previous year and introduce you to some of the families who are finding their feet. Importantly, we also like the opportunity to thank our fundraising champions who have helped make our work possible.

If you would like a copy of our latest annual review sent to you in the post please Contact Us. 

Annual Review 2022/23

FYF AR frontcover 2022 23

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Annual Review 2021/22

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Annual Review 2020/21

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Annual Review 2019/20

fyf annual report image

Click here to download. 

Annual Review 2018/19

2019 annual report

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Annual Review 2017/18

Annual review cover

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Annual Review 2016/17


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Annual Review 2015

Annual Review 2015 photo

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Annual Review 2014


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Annual Review 2013

Annual Review 2013

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Annual review 2012

Annual Review 2012

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Annual review 2011

Annual Review 2011

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Financial accounts

To find out where we get our funding from please download a copy of our Annual Report and Financial Statement 2017-18

Current information on our financial accounts can also be viewed on the Charity Commission website.

We raise funds from a variety of different sources including the Big Lottery Fund, UKAid and the European Union as well as individuals, trusts, companies and events. See more about Our Partners.


Health Poverty Action

Health Poverty Action

To continue benefiting the communities we work with around the world, Find Your Feet has recently formed a partnership with Health Poverty Action.

As the funding landscape changes, smaller NGOs are finding it necessary to explore new ways of working in order to secure the long term sustainability of their work. We’re partnering with Health Poverty Action to ensure our work, and the relationships we have built with communities over the years, will remain as strong as ever in the future.

We have chosen to join with Health Poverty Action because of our similar values, and the complementary nature of our work.

They work with communities in 15 countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America to improve health. They do not see health as a simple medical issue, but instead work to tackle all of the social factors that impact on health, including education, sanitation, nutrition and livelihoods. This approach to tackle the root causes of poverty and poor health fits well with our own work to help communities improve their farming techniques, and develop profitable livelihoods. Without addressing these challenges in people’s lives, it is impossible to achieve good health, and we are excited to develop our work further in partnership with Health Poverty Action.

Find Your Feet will initially keep its own brand, but we will continue our work as part of Health Poverty Action. We will become more efficient by sharing internal costs, resources and a management structure. This means we can get the best value from your generous donations. Importantly, the coming together of our expertise and experience will benefit the communities we work with, by providing more holistic projects which tackle poverty and poor health.

The ways you can support us have not changed - in fact we see this as an especially exciting time for our supporters as you watch our work strengthen and grow.

Find out more about Health Poverty Action on their website


Our team

Our team

We have a small, committed team in the UK, and we implement our projects in country through carefully selected local partners.

Our UK team give overall management and strategic guidance to partners in country, help with the design and monitoring of projects, and ensure our projects successfully tackle poverty. We also ensure accountability to our donors by providing reports and we raise vital funds that allow the work to happen.

Our UK Senior Management team

Martin Drewry (Director)

Martin has a long background in the voluntary sector, initially as an award-winning grass-roots community development worker in the UK, before moving to international development. After a few years as national secretary of World Action, a pioneering Methodist programme enabling young people and adults to take action for social justice, he spent the next decade as head of campaigns at Christian Aid. Here he played leading roles in Jubilee 2000, Drop the Debt, the Trade Justice Movement and was one of the coordinators of Make Poverty History.

Kelly Douglas (Head of Fundraising) 

Kelly has over 10 years experience in fundraising, with a focus in philanthropy and business development in both the charity and education sectors. Her career has been steeped in social justice, and continued in her recent roles as Associate Director of a Rape Crisis Center and Development Director with Center for Patient Partnerships, a patient advocacy organisation at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, both located in the United States. Kelly moved to London in 2017 for a Masters programme in Social and Cultural Psychology at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and completed her dissertation on how to effectively confront racial prejudice with White Americans.

Natalie Sharples (Head of Policy & Campaigns)

Natalie has worked in a variety of roles in policy, advocacy and public campaigning on issues including global justice, peace-building, migrant rights, age and gender. Natalie has a BA in anthropology and gender studies from the University of Hull.

Dr Tadesse Kassaye Woldetsadik (Head of Programmes - Africa)

An Ethiopian medical practitioner, Tadesse received his Masters in Public Health from the Universitae de Libre in 2002, and has worked with CARE International in Ethiopia as a senior health adviser and HIV/AIDS programme coordinator since early 2004.

Bangyuan Wang (Head of Programmes - Asia) 

Mr Bangyuan Wang is an experienced public health practitioner from China. He has more than 20 years of experience in developing and managing public health programmes in Asia and Africa. Having trained and worked in China as a community health practitioner, Bangyuan later got a degree in public administration. Over the last 20 years, he has worked at MSF, Health Unlimited and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance (now called Frontline AIDS). Bangyuan worked for Health Poverty Action in China, Myanmar and Laos from 2003 to 2013, and joined Find Your Feet as the Head of Programmes for Asia in June 2019.

Sandra Tcheumeni-Boschet (Head of Finance and Administration) 

Sandra's career includes finance roles with Cardiff University and Senior Finance and Business Management roles with the Wales Deanery and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). During these years she has developed a wide range of skills and expertise in the financial management of Research and Development projects and Management Accounting best practices. Sandra Graduated from University of Glamorgan (Now University of South Wales) in 2005 with a BSC in International Accounting and Finance, following which she continued her studies with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).

The Board of Trustees

Our board of trustees is a pretty impressive bunch.

They meet four times a year to review and comment on plans and performance, review any major issues and decide on important new directions. There are also a number of subcommittees that meet throughout the year.

Oliver Kemp (Chair)

Oliver is CEO of Prostate Cancer Research Centre, which focuses on the advanced stage of the disease treatments are currently limited. Prior to this, he was the CEO of Build Africa. At Build Africa he directly supported over 400,000 people with an increase of over 500% in six years, and was awarded the prize for the “Best International Charity in the UK” in 2012.

Ruth Stern (Vice Chair)

Ruth Stern, now retired, has worked in Health Promotion in the UK and South Africa for many years. Her main role in South Africa was head of the Health Promotion programme at the University of the Western Cape, which included a distance learning Masters in Public Health with students from several sub-Saharan countries. She was also the coordinator of the then Global Equity Gauge Alliance programme in Cape Town. In the UK, she was the first coordinator of the Healthy Cities Programme in the London Borough of Camden, one of the then designated WHO European Healthy Cities initiatives. Ruth has been and remains an active member of the UK People’s Health Movement.

Fahad Sayood (Treasurer)

Fahad is Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director of Aviva Capital Partners, deploying short term risk capital as a catalyst for long term investment partnerships.  Fahad has spent 20 years in the financial services industry, across investment banking and insurance. He has taken up a wide range of risk and capital roles within Aviva, including a period as the Group Head of Financial Risk where his team built and deployed Aviva’s global asset data analytics capabilities, and Group Head of ALM where he developed Aviva’s capital hedging platform. In his spare times he excels at telling dad jokes to toddlers who are rapidly losing patience.

Anna Graham

Anna Graham is a child and adolescent consultant psychiatrist and has worked as a doctor in the NHS since 1987. She currently works with children, adolescents and families in a London CAMHS service, with clinical, educational and management responsibilities. She was Lead Safeguarding doctor at Croydon CAMHS. She also has experience of working as a junior doctor in Medicine, Surgery, Accident and Emergency Medicine and Community Paediatrics. Before specialising she worked within General Adult Psychiatry, Alcohol Rehabilitation and as part of a Learning Disabilities team in the community. She has a special interest in working with vulnerable children in care, including refugees and asylum seekers and those who have experienced trauma. She has worked at The Helen Bamber Foundation, as a teacher and supervisor of mentors at CARAS (Community Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in SW London) and at St John’s Hospital, Mzuzu in Malawi.

Dr Rory Honney

Rory is a practicing clinician working half the week in a busy general practice in the UK and the rest of the week dual accrediting in public health medicine. Having completed his undergraduate training at Oxford University he is now studying for a Masters in Public Health at LSHTM. He has spent time working in Kenyan and Cambodia, and in Cambodia worked as an NHS Global Health and Leadership fellow alongside the Maddox Jolie Pitt Foundation. His particular interests are in the field of inequalities and environmental health.

Anuj Kapilashrami

Anuj is a Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor in Global Health Policy with an interdisciplinary background in Sociology and Public health. She works at the intersections of health politics and development praxis, with particular interest in their interface with gender, human rights and social justice. Anuj’s longstanding research interest and experience spreads over twenty years in both the academia and the civil society/ development sector in South Asia and the UK.

Betty Williams 

Betty has an MSc in Development Studies and has been involved in international development for 16 years. She has experience of child rights, rural livelihoods, adolescent training and development education. Betty worked for International Development NGO Find Your Feet for over ten years as a Programme Manager. She managed programmes supporting tribal women and adolescents from dalit communities in India and Nepal and small farmers in Malawi. Before this Betty was an accountant and an Economics and Business Studies teacher; she used these skills to conduct financial training for accountants working in Find Your Feet’s overseas offices and partner organisations and also took a leading role in Find Your Feet’s financial management. Betty retired in 2015 but has voluntary roles with several charities concerned with international development and the environment.

Ravi Ram 

Ravi M. Ram is a Monitoring & Evaluation, Learning (MEL) and Strategic Planning expert, with extensive experience in solidarity-based international cooperation in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, including direct, on-site engagement with communities and policymakers. As a health systems evaluator and specialist in community health, primary health care and universal health coverage, he brings an emphasis on equity, gender and social accountability to matters of people’s health. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, he works on South-South collaborations and activism with the People’s Health Movement, Community of Practitioners on Accountability and Social Action in Health (COPASAH), the Health Workers for All Coalition and the Kampala Initiative.


Work with us

Work with us

We currently have no vacancies at Find Your Feet. 


Our history

Our history

"I am motivated by outrage that we, who live in plenty, do so little"
Carol Martin, Find Your Feet founder

Find Your Feet was founded in 1960 by the journalist Carol Martin, in response to the plight of Eastern European refugees after the Hungarian uprising. She was particularly concerned that families were suffering from hunger and malnutrition and was motivated to do something about it.

Over our 60 year history we have evolved from being an organisation that provides humanitarian aid to one that supports long-term rural development projects. We have also shifted our geographical focus from Europe to Asia and Africa where we believe the need is greatest.

We have worked in numerous countries over the years, but in 2004 we chose to focus our work in northern India and Malawi so as to maximise our impact and in 2011 we expanded our reach to start work with families in Nepal and Zimbabwe.

Find Your Feet has evolved considerably during our 60 year history, but our vision remains the same. Just as our founder Carol Martin did, we believe in social justice; a world in which everyone has the right to build a future free from hunger and poverty.

Find out more about our work now.


About us

About us

We believe in social justice: a world in which everyone has the right to build a future free from hunger and poverty.

Find Your Feet helps poor rural families in Asia and Africa to:

93056 FYF Annual Review 2014 what we do

What is the need?

One in nine people around the world suffer from chronic hunger because they don't have enough to eat all year round. The majority of these people, like the families we work with, live in remote areas of Asia and Africa without the means or opportunity to speak out and change things for the better. 

How do we help? 

Our approach is not to dictate how the people we work with tackle the poverty they face. Instead, we help them to decide how they want to build a better future. This means that Find Your Feet doesn't give handouts. We listen and provide people with the skills, training and confidence they need to help themselves.

Take our Lead Farmer model, where we help one farmer to pass on their skills and knowledge to many more people in their own community so everyone can thrive. 

Lead Farmer graphic

Where do we work?

We work in some of the poorest and most remote places in India, Malawi, and Zimbabwe. 

Who do we help? 

  • Small family farmers who depend on plots of land for their livelihood yet who make up the largest share of the world's undernourished. 
  • Tribal people who are often denied access to the land and forest on which they depend for their survival. 
  • Women who seldom have an equal voice in their communities.
  • Young people who are seeking an opportunity to break the ongoing cycle of poverty for their families.

Find out more about What We Do


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