We are speaking out
In Jharkhand state, India, we are empowering forest farmers, like Mangal, to stand up for their rights and bring real changes for their families and their community.
Mangal Hembram is 27 and a native of the Ghati village, Jharkhand state, in India. He is a member of the newly reformed Forest Rights Committee in the village, helping his community secure rights to their land. Mangal has used his voice to advocate for land rights after a Find Your Feet initiative raised awareness of the Forest Rights Act. Without political connections, Mangal was not sure how to obtain the rights of the land he inherited. But with the help of local people raising awareness of the scheme through our project, he recognised a need for stronger community advocacy.
“For generations we have been cultivating on forest land but there is always a fear that at any time the government may take this land from us, and if such a thing happens then we shall be left with no other option. The information I received… strengthened my confidence to fight for my rights. I will continue to work with their support so that many of our villagers will obtain their land rights. I am very much thankful to the project team that they changed weakness into strength in a single meeting.” Mangal
With our support, Mangal coordinated the reform of the Forest Rights Committee in his village and compelled the village headman to sign many applications for land ownership. Without this pressure, applications for rights under the Forest Rights Act are blocked from being forwarded to the appropriate official for processing. Using his voice, Mangal has helped members of his protect their right to their land and their livelihood as farmers.
This vital work would not be possible without you. Support us today and help us reach more people like Emily, Lilian and Mangal so their families can build a future free from poverty.